WalkAide® System

WalkAide® is an advanced medical device that may provide immediate and dramatic improvement in walking caused by stroke, incomplete spinal cord or traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy or multiple sclerosis.

Interruption of the natural nerve-to-muscle communication between the brain and the leg inhibits one’s ability to lift tthe foot naturally. WalkAide restores this lost communication by sending electrical signals to your peroneal nerve, which controls movement in your ankle and foot. These gentle electrical impulses activate the muscles to raise your foot at the appropriate time during each step. The result is a smoother, more natural and safer walking motion.

FES and Neuroplasticity

Recent evidence has show that using functional electrical stimulation (FES) over time can promote positive changes in the function of the brain, a process called neuroplasticity.

Essentially, the brain receives more accurate information about walking while using FES. This kind of feedback improves the organization and use of the residual connections between the brain and affected muscles. As this central nervous system recovery occurs, more natural walking patterns are developed with associated increases in walking speed and decreases in effort.

Advantages of WalkAide

  • Small, self-contained unit requires only one AA battery.
  • Improved walking speed and quality with less fatigue.
  • Freedom to wear almost any type of shoe, or no shoes (if appropriate).
  • Reduces atrophy and improves circulation, muscle condition, and bone density.
  • Self-Contained System.Does not require the use of remotes, heel sensors or external wires.
  • Single Battery Operation. Operates up to 30 days on one AA battery, with no need for nightly recharges.
  • Patented Accelerometer. Accurately analyzes leg movement to help promote a natural walking pattern.


WalkAide is not appropriate for everyone. Individuals with the following central nervous system conditions may benefit from WalkAide:

  • Cerebrovascular accident
  • Incomplete spinal cord injury
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cerebral palsy


People presenting with the following peripheral nervous system conditions will NOT benefit from WalkAide:

  • Secondary complications of back, hip or knee surgery
  • Traumatic accidents to the leg
  • Sciatica
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Post-polio syndrome
  • Guillain-Barre